Read more: 🥶 A Winter Tasting with Joshua Cooper By Andy Ainsworth
🥶 A Winter Tasting with Joshua Cooper By Andy Ainsworth
When Andy Ainsworth approached the Loose Lips Editorial Board with a pitch to write a little something on Josh Cooper, we said yes mate!Read more -
Read more: 🌿 (Seriously) Great Wrap by Jordy and Julia Kay
🌿 (Seriously) Great Wrap by Jordy and Julia Kay
When most people spot a problem that gives them the shits, they just grumble about it and keep doing what they’re doing.Read more -
Read more: 🍾 Your Wine Is Not Corked!
🍾 Your Wine Is Not Corked!
It might not be corked but there are a bunch of things that may be wrong with it.Read more -
Read more: 🎸 Blowing Cells with Taras Ochota
🎸 Blowing Cells with Taras Ochota
Taras Ochota is a rare unicorn, making insanely refined wine in the Basket Range of the Adelaide Hills under Ochota Barrels.Read more -
Read more: 💥 Your Pét Nat Might Explode!
💥 Your Pét Nat Might Explode!
Explosive pét nat. Not a super cool thing, but when a few of you guys bought Kindeli’s Primavera recently, it happened.Read more -
Read more: 🤓 Welcome to Loose Lips
🤓 Welcome to Loose Lips
What is Loose Lips? Good question. What's a content pillar? Who knows?Read more